VOD / Valparaíso Open Data

Jorge A Arriagada Triana
1 min readFeb 26, 2018


A project for an Open Data City.

1 Model historical buildings to validate theory with gathered data with a set of RPi.

Based on the Raspberry Shake

  • The Earth is always moving — This movement tells us things you may never have thought possible!
  • With the Raspberry Shake, watching the Earth’s vibrations LIVE from your computer is now a reality for anyone!
  • Previously this type of seismic monitoring was only possible by purchasing professional grade equipment which cost a minimum of 5000 dollars

Ok, cool, but what is this?

Raspberry Shake is a very clever little custom circuit board, that fits right onto the most popular single-board personal computer, the Raspberry Pi, transforming it into a professional grade personal seismograph. It is probably the smallest seismograph of its caliber in existence, but don’t let its size fool you — It can record earthquakes of all magnitudes, from the vanishingly small blips that are imperceptible to human senses, to the big destructive earthquakes that regularly happen around the world.

As soon as the Raspberry Shake is plugged in and set up, you can see, record and analyze the Earth’s motion in real time!

EQView & StationView

EQView — An application that allows you to see the most recent earthquake events around the world and within the Raspberry Shake Community.

StationView — Allows you to see the devices currently online in the Raspberry Shake Network, including your own! Just click on any Raspberry Shake to see and analyze data from “Shakers” around the globe.




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