Jorge A Arriagada Triana
2 min readAug 5, 2020


The SimCenter Pile-Group Tool provides a dynamic interface to study the behavior of a pile or pile-group in layered soil.

Photo by Tradd Harter on Unsplash


It allows the user to interactively (and nearly instantly) observe the system’s response to changes of the following parameters:

  • soil structure (up to 3 layers of variable thickness) and soil properties
  • position of the ground water table
  • pile stiffness, embedment length, connection type to the pile cap
  • number of piles in the group (one to three piles)
  • the applied horizontal force at the pile cap (push-over analysis)

Presented results include:

  • lateral displacement of all piles
  • moment and shear diagrams for each
  • vertical soil stresses
  • ultimate strength and stiffness parameters for the employed p-y springs

Technical background:

The soil-structure system is modeled using a finite-element platform. Piles are represented by displacement based beam-column elements. Soil-structure interaction is represented laterally by p-y springs and tangentially by t-z springs. Spring properties are computed using Hansen’s method [1] and recommendations by the American Petroleum Institute (API) [2]. The Pile-Group Tool constructs a structurally and numerically appropriate finite-element mesh, computes spring properties from soil properties, and places spring elements accordingly. The actual simulation employs a Newton-Raphson iterative procedure to solve the governing nonlinear system of equations.


  1. Brinch Hansen, J. (1961). “The ultimate resistance of rigid piles against transversal forces.”Bulletin №12, Geoteknisk Institute, Copenhagen, 59.
  2. American Petroleum Institute (API) (1987). Recommended Practice for Planning, Designing and Constructing Fixed Offshore Platforms. API Recommended Practice 2A(RP-2A), Washington D.C, 17th edition.



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